I strongly believe that you don't need to be philosophical, mature aged, serious, religious or practice austerity to connect with God. You can party hard, be quirky, funky and still have that divine connect. Every person has his way of connecting to his soul, to find that inner wisdom and peace. Some people do that through prayer, some people find it in music and others do that through a sport. For me, it is through my paintings and creations.

Khyatiworks is something that comes directly from the soul. While I am making a painting, what will nature finally bring on to that painting is a mystery to me too. I don't have a fixed notion in mind when I have a paintbrush in my hand. While painting, there is a spiritual connect, a divine connection that just keeps placing itself on the canvas. It takes love, patience and a kind of surrender to the higher power for making an artwork. You have to learn to let go of the control, letting go of your mind telling you what to do and just believing in something mystical.
And when the painting is complete, you can actually feel that mystique when you look at it. And that is exactly what people say when they look at the paintings.Some say 'they are such happy colors!!!' some say they don’t know how to explain what they're feeling and I can just connect with that.
So any product with an image of my artwork or any handpainted product conveys that sense of divine, of something that just lifts your spirits, makes you feel elated with no reason at all, and gives you a sense of something magical, something that does not belong to this world. Just looking at a piece or being around it should make them forget the negative in and around them, they should be filled with joy and positivity.